It is my great pleasure to share with you the counseling staff of 2012!
Some folks are first term, some are second, but all will be staff this coming season. Once again we have an amazing return rate for our counseling staff, with only one fellow never having been to Highlands before. I am very excited for the summer to get here, and with guys like this leading the way, it is bound to be another magical season at Camp Highlands.
Our Counselors-in-Training are:
Tom Kuntz, Cooper Kupferberg, Alex Martinson, Alec Winter, Ed Linquist, Tom Frankenthal, Marshall Sheetz, Mario Velazquez, Pablo Oria, Austin Sennott, Alonso Cano, Santiago Castro, Tom Lubenow, Logan Means and Kevin Miner.
Our Assistant Counselors are:
David Dean, Joshua Ericksen, Colin O’Brien, Ben Conrad, Chris Dahlman, Nate Henderson, Sam Escamilla, Andrew Barber and Drew Halverstadt.
And our stellar counseling staff are:
Ross Freeland, Ian Astle, Kent Overbey, Matt Schaible, RJ Bruce, Evan O’Brien, John Gallagher, Pat Gallagher, Alec Grassi, Don Kuntz, Tommy Popalisky, Teddy Popalisky, George Swartz, Dan Cleveland, Chris Nyweide, YoQuarius Tucker, Will Faber, Nick Katzmarek, Shaun Trenholm, Jim Ott, Loren Shinn, Shane Hoerbert, Jim DiDominico, Gordy Rahr and Noah Thacker.
And how lucky are we that we also have returning this summer:
Lois Craig, Steve Ronkowski, Kayla Stelzel, Jill Ragsdale, Kent and Peggy Taylor, Jill Wright, Jani Freeland, Dana Barton, Byron and Nanette Shinn and Craig Ericksen.
Joining us for the first time this summer, we have:
Jackie Nettles (babysitter), Becky DiDomenico (crafts!) and Kathleen O’Donnell (lodge).
What a great staff! As campers continue to enroll, don’t be surprised to find new names added to the list. In the meantime, I am so thrilled that these great people will be joining us for our upcoming season at Camp Highlands.
See you soon!
Andy Bachmann
P.S. Watch for a new camper list this week, too!