Here at CH HQ in Gainesville, Florida, we are enjoying the most lovely spring possible. And a spring in Gainesville feels like a summer in Sayner, Wisconsin! It really puts me in the mood for Camp Highlands, that’s for sure.
We’ve been busy! We sent out the Dinglebat, the camp newsletter a week or so ago. Did you get yours? I always love to hear what everyone is up to. We also just hosted the first “Meet Camp Highlands” informational gathering at the Stanner’s house in Western Springs, IL. Are you interested in hosting a gathering to help spread the word about camp? Drop us a line and we can help make that happen. We had staff, campers and their parents, and prospective campers and their parents. It was great fun to watch the movies together and talk about our favorite subject – CAMP! It was short and sweet, just an hour, but I can feel the momentum towards summer!
And now, for the current camper list…..Is your name on here?
Davis Altorfer
Reed Altorfer
Erik Anderson
Jack Armstrong
Mac Astle
Judah Bachmann
Lukas Bachmann
Jacob Bachmann
Kyle Bachmann
Zach Baldwin
Caleb Banholzer
Garrick Bender
Marshall Bessey
Hayden Bingham
Andy Brown
Conor Bulkeley-Krane
Jack Burney
Emmett Burnside
Cole Butzlaff
Bryce Butzlaff
Parker Carlson
Antonio Carrera
Antonio Carrera
Taylor Chadwick
Charles Chapman
Mike Clarke
Zach Coffman
Charlie Convery
Patrick Dahlman
Nathan Dahlman
Jeffrey “J.D.” Davis
Martin de Guerre
Erik Dehkes
Jack Denison
Tyler DiDomenico
Tyler DiDomenico
Ashton DiDonato
Ben English
Nick Esbeck
Campbell Esbeck
Seth Fox
Brad Gall
Otis Grove
Ty Hallene
Charlie Hallene
Evan Hammans
Gavin Hanson
Logan Harper
Nate Harris
Walker Harrison
David Hodges
William Hough
Kirien Katzmarek
Sylvan Katzmarek
William Kendall
Zach Klein
Kyle Knox
Andrew Krafft
Jack Kralovec
Max Lauster
Conor Lavin
Johnathan Lavin
Graham Letkeman
Jack Leuba
Max Lewis
Jack Lewis
Drew Lezon
Nate Lezon
Camin Long
Tom Lynch
John Milner
Carter Moore
Nick Morgan
Diondre Morris
Mykel Nayeri
Brock O’Neill
Patricio Palomino
Jack Parker
Sam Pfeifer
Adam Pfeifer
Ben Phalen
Campbell Phalen
Graeme Phillips
Ian Pratt
Nicolas Price
Mark Raasch
Ian Ragsdale
Charlie Rahr
Leo Ramirez
Santiago Ramirez
Jackson Rench
Andres Rodrigues
Augustin Rodriguez Corcuera
Eduardo Rodriguez Corcuera
Liam Roeth
Connor Sanda
Tom Sarver
George Schmidt
Louis Shaw
AJ Sorkin
AJ Sorkin
Charlie Stearns
Carter Steinhagen
Jake Stewart
Clayton Stewart
Tom Stott
Kent Taylor
Trey Taylor
Wyatt Verlen
Jimbo Vermillion
Griffin Wasz
Mason Werner
Carson Williams
Roger Williams
Ethan Williams
Lucas Winter
Evan Winter
Tristan Worthington
Casey Zinser
Johnny Zokovitch