
Quick update

July 06, 2012

  • I know! Where are the blog posts? Where are those photos? What gives?!
    The last few days have been rife with power outages and painfully slow or NO Internet connection. Something about damaged towers. I think its because half of Chicagoland is in the north woods trying to escape the heat and using up all my interwebs. It makes my job hard! I suppose it could have been worse, though, I could have been Andy Bachmann who was up all night on Wednesday babysitting our three freezer/refrigerator units. Due to a power outage, he had to rotate them between the generator every thirty minutes! Ah, the glamorous life of a camp director.
    I will tell you the boys are having a GREAT time. They went to Sayner to watch the fireworks on the 4th, played capture the flag (1-1 Army/Navy), had a awesome division day, and are looking at the start of the LAST WEEK.
    Moms and dads, can you believe that a week from today, you’ll be headed to Camp Highlands to pick your boys up? Or maybe you’ll be shopping for his favorite dinner? Or getting ready to pick him up from the airport on Saturday evening. No matter what, it’s going by quickly!
    Stay tuned for more information about the final days of camp. And I’m working on an excuse to go into town to find some Internet so I can upload some of these great photos! I see an iced latte and maybe a stop for some Paul Bunyan’s donuts. Have you tried those things?!
    And on that note…
    I ❤ CH // tracy b.