For the staff here at Highlands, the last 5-7 days have been BUSY. The end-of-term festivities and the full business of starting a second term is no small task. But here we are, Thursday of week one of second term, and I think I just heard a collective sigh of relief. Campers are getting settled into their cabins, forging new friendships. This is about the time when campers really start to feel comfortable, since they finally know what’s coming next. The bugle calls start to sound familiar (waiters, waiters come and get your pork and beans) and they look forward to what games they’ll play in the evening.
Yesterday was Division Day, otherwise known as cook’s night off! The guys band together as divisions and have activities and enjoy their counselor’s cooking of hot dogs and other picnic style food. We had an extra special treat yesterday when the older girls from Red Pine Camp came over for a social. It’s about what you’d imagine – games, punch, hot dogs, a “dance.” Awesome camp stuff. I can’t wait to count the letters that go out to RPC in the next few days. Our boys were perfect gentleman while hosting a great Highlands evening.
The weekend is coming up, and for me, it feels like the first weekend all year where we aren’t in the thick of something. Saturday will be an event day of some sort, to be determined. Check out the photos of Avatar day from last term to get an idea of what I’m talking about. Of course Sunday will bring Assembly and Sing! Come on up and visit if you can, the weather is AMAZING.
Oh, and have I mentioned our Pinewood Derby in effect? Maybe your camper wrote home about it? Jim Di Domenico and his wife Becky (who’s partnered up with Chris Dahlman in the craft shop) have headed up this AMAZING activity. We have an 80 foot track calling those pine wood cars names!
Keep checking the gallery for photos. We usually post on Facebook when there’s a fresh batch up.
And on that note…
I ❤ CH // tracy b.