
First term is slip sliding away

July 10, 2012

  • Is it just me or have these weeks flown by?! I can’t believe we are in the final week. I’d like to give you a quick run down of the events this week, and of course details of the final events on Friday and Saturday.
    Today is Tuesday, the final Division Day of the term. The Cubs head off on their big adventure to the Wildwood Wildlife Park and then to the Lumberjack Show in Minoqua. It’s a blast! Tomorrow they guys will be out at activities as usual, but in the evening we will be dazzled and entertained at the Stunt Show (sort of a goofy talent show). Thursday, the guys participate in the age-old Kerchief Ceremony (more on that tomorrow) and Friday is the final banquet ceremony.
    Friday is a blast. The festivities start at 3:00 pm with the Water Carnival, followed by a time for campers to show parents around, buy an extra t-shirt in the store and get their cars packed for the trip home. We have a picnic supper on Junior Hill. If you haven’t RSVP’d and you plan on coming, please email me. We make name tags! It’s $10 for adults, free for your camper and free for kids and under. Following supper, we pile into the dining room for the final banquet and events wrap up around 8:45 pm or so.
    Parents always ask us, should we take our boy home on Friday night or wait until Saturday morning. I tell you, it’s completely up to you and your child. The bus for the trip to Chicago leaves at 9:00 a.m. and first term is officially over at that time.