The bugles have called, the water for the spaghetti is boiling and the buses have rumbled in, and all of camp has turned out onto the track to welcome in Second Term 2012! It’s an awesome scene. Boys who haven’t seen each other in a year slap hi-fives and bear hug.
Forever the mother, I worry about how the new boys will know what to do. How will they find their counselors? Who will carry their gear to their cabin (those trunks are heavy)!? It’s one of the many lessons I’ve learned as a serious female minority at boy’s camp. Leave them alone. This doesn’t need to be micro-managed (my specialty). They’ve got this. Moooooommmmmm.
Within minutes everyone’s gear was unloaded and hauled off to their cabins and the boys are on their way to being fast friends. There’s really no other way. The boys who haven’t been here before are eager to make some friends, find someone who can tell them what the heck is going on. And the boys who have been here before are excited to make new friends and lend a hand.
After dinner tonight, the guys will have campfires where they learn the in’s and out’s of Camp – baseline rules about how things work and what they can expect in the next few days. Tomorrow they’ll have more in-depth safety talks and get the inside scoop on the dining room and how to be the table waiter when it’s their turn. By 10:30 tomorrow morning they’ll be fully immersed in earning Achievement Credits (ACs) in their activities.
We are so glad they are here!
And on that note…
I ❤ CH // tracy b.