I’m a shopper, what can I say. Who doesn’t love a little retail therapy? At Highlands, each boy has a $100 store allowance and we only charge you for what your boy spends. You can feel good that if your child forgets (or more likely, loses) his toothbrush he can buy a new one in the store. We stock soap, shampoo, chap stick and lots more!
Remember parents, you’ll have time to shop yourselves if you are coming up for the banquet on Friday! And if your son qualified for a free store account with early enrollment, it’s a use it or lose it situation! Tell him to stock up on those hoodies!
Retail Therapy at Highlands
Camp-sick alumni writing "home"
As you might expect, former campers and staff members contact us from time to time to share memories and ask if certain staff is still around. Below is some correspondence we received today. It just astounds me to know that after all these years, when summer time rolls around, Highlands alumni get a little camp-sick (official terminology). Below is an email we got this morning with Mike’s response and a photo to boot. [Can you believe they used to wear water belts to teach skiing!? Yikes! Parent’s, you’ll be happy to know those days are long past. Boys wear proper PFDs!] Remember, we are celebrating our 110th camping season this summer. We are having big alumni reunion the weekend of July 27, the day of the Steeplechase and the camp birthday. Remember, if you need a camp fix, the Highlands Lodge is a great place to stay and relive your memories, and even better is Friends and Family Camp!
How nice to hear from you.
From Scott Nelson, former camper
Hello Highlands! I wanted to pass on my very best wishes for a great summer to all my old friends at Camp. It’s July 5th and memories of track meets (Army Victories!) water carnivals, steeple chases are running thru my head. Who’s General? Has anyone come to lunch with a tie on? And walked off Tower 3!!
I will remember my wonderful memories of Camp (teaching Tim Bachmann how to ski behind the Red Highlander with a 40hp Johnson off Cub Midget Pier) Sawbill Trips, and Siedel trail pack dinners for days, and all the great guys and friends especially Artie Kuesel, Jim “Otter” Ott Mike and Sharon on and on.
All my best
Scotty Nelson
Former Camper/Counselor/Cabin 9 14 & 5
Ski instructor
Tampa, Fl
Response from Mike Bachmann, director
Hi Scott!
For all the information you asked about and much more go to the web site. The gallery has lots of pictures – even some of Jim Ott!! He is Cub Head Counselor. In fact, Otter asks about YOU often. You had better give us a good update.
We are having a gathering time on the Camp Birthday this year. Butch will be up, and Jaimie Casas intends to come. It will be July 27. Steeplechase, Games on the Hill – you know the routine. Some things are not supposed to change. Of course we are way past 40 hp ski boats.
Dave Baker and Kent Taylor are running the trip room. Artie Kuesel has two sons on the staff. He stopped by yesterday. Ross Freeland is Senior Head Counselor – that is Jani’s son. She, Sharon, and Jill are all here this summer. Alec Winter is David’s son. He is an assistant counselor.
Facebook is also pretty busy with regular updates. Here is a photo of a ski instructor you may recognize.
Thanks for touching base. Now come visit!!
Mike -
Happiness is a by-product
Oh my goodness. Can it be? We only have how many days left of camp?! I don’t know how you feel, but it’s gone by in the blink of an eye for us.
This coming week is filled with many traditions. From the Stunt Show on Wednesday night to Kerchiefs on Thursday, Honor Tripper recognition, Water Carnival – the list goes on. Tonight is the last Assembly, the last turkey dinner and the last Sing for our first-termers.
I have the inside scoop that Andy Bachmann and Co. will be talking about making the most of these last days at Highlands this morning at Sunday Assembly. We should all probably listen to that advice! Andy and I have had many interesting discussions recently about Eleanor Roosevelt’s famous and brilliant quote, “Happiness is not a goal, it’s a by-product.” At Highlands we believe that a worthwhile life, is earned by working hard, persevering and adhering to those camper qualities we hold to be sacred. By making the most of every opportunity, by putting the other fellow before ourselves, by being helpful and productive – happiness is inevitable!
Happiness also prevails when you get that boy you love so much home on Saturday, July 13th. Here are details on the last days of camp.
The final banquet is on Friday, July 12. Festivities begin at 3 p.m. during the water carnival (think ski show, synchronized swim routines, and something with a greasy watermelon – only at camp!). This is followed by supper at 6 p.m. and the banquet which wraps up around 8:45 p.m. You are welcome to take your son home at that time, OR they can sleep the last night in their cabin and roll out of camp at 9 a.m. on July 13. It is up to you.
The bus schedule on the way home is:
1:00 p.m. drop off in Madison at the Pinecone Shell, DeForest exit
2:15 p.m. drop off at Rockford Clock Tower
3:30 p.m. O’Hare Airport drop off
3:45 p.m. O’Hare Oasis drop off
And on that note…
I ❤ CH // tracy b. -
Saturday Fun
This weather! Ah! I wish you all could be here. It’s pretty darn great. Warm, breezy and perfect. We’ve got lots of trips coming in and going out over the next couple of days, and while this morning was regular activities, this Saturday afternoon camp will be engaging in some serious all-camp fun. Andy Bachmann is living out his dreams of having a real-live Game of Thrones event. Complete with four teams, Starks, Lannisters, Barratheons and Targaryens. While this means nothing to me (or probably most of the campers, for that matter, it’s not exactly kid-stuff), the staff is excited and if the staff is excited, the campers are excited. Andy says it’s basically a four-way game of capture the flag. I’m guessing the pictures will be pretty great. Stay tuned!
Reflections on the Worthwhile Way
Ahh, Sunday at Camp. It’s mellow. Most alumni will tell you Sunday at Camp Highlands means three things. Assembly, Turkey Dinner and Sing. Let’s start with Sunday Assembly, which is a quiet time lasting about 45 minutes where staff and campers offer reflections on what it means to be a Highlands guy, which is to say, a Worthwhile Man.
Today’s Assembly was great (I’m probably biased, since it was headed up by Andy Bachmann). He told stories about being a camper and the ways that he learned to live the “I’m Third” philosophy, not by walking around saying “I’m Third” all the time, but instead by modeling his behavior on older campers and staff members that took the time to mentor him when he was a camper.
He described his days back in cabin 25, when John Burnside took little Andy Bachmann under his wing. He’d invite him to go sailing with him, he’d invite him to be his buddy at free swim. And most importantly he’d let Andy twist his arm as he’d do an arm flip. (PS he probably had jeans like that guy, too)! Andy said he felt important because John was big and cool. And then he told about how he modeled that behavior when little Martin Miller first came to camp, by inviting him to be his buddy at swim and by inviting him to go sailing with him.
Those and the other stories Andy told got to me. It was hearing the names of guys that came as campers a long time ago – and who’s boys are now coming as campers! It was the idea of leading by example – through a time vortex! That’s one of the things that makes Highlands so special. I feel so lucky that I’m raising a FOURTH generation Highlands guy. I love that part of what makes MY kid so special is, in a way, John Burnside’s impact on Andy. Whew! Talk about “Pass[ing] it On.”
Couple all that the most gorgeous weather today, Turkey dinner and Sunday Night Sing, and you’ve got a recipe for general awesomeness. I’m feeling incredibly lucky to be here today. I know these boys are feeling that magic, too. It’s catching!
And on that note… -
Socials, canoe trips and laser tag – all in a day's work at Camp
We posted a little Facebook gallery yesterday titled, “What did YOU do today?” I tell you, these guys just GO here at Camp Highlands. And today’s no exception. It’s all in a day’s work.
Today is “Division Day” at camp. That means Lois and the kitchen staff
get a much needed night off. After lunch the divisions split up and do things as a group, including preparing supper. So what are these guys up to tonight? Well, I just got to listen to the Seniors with the girls from Red Pine Camp do a scavenger hunt for the better part of the afternoon. They’ll make hamburgers for our lovely guests and then end the evening with a dance (!!). (side note: I caught my eight year old daughter spying on the whole situation, and my life flashed before my eyes!)
Juniors are in Eagle River playing laser tag, Cubs are on their overnight on a local lake and Colts took off this morning for their three-day canoe trip on an area chain of lakes. My 11 year old son is out with those guys, and I have to tell you, they were psyched!
We’ve had a quiet day in the office trying to catch up on everything. You should see my desk. It’s like a cyclone swept through. We’re posting photos and updating the social media outlets as much as we can – time to shut it down for the day! Enjoy!
And on that note…
I ❤ CH // tracy b. -
A roaring start to camp
I’m telling you, this weather is incredible. It’s the perfect way to start out a summer camping season. Warm, breezy (no bugs), sunny. Just awesome. I’ve seen boys sailing, playing tennis and soccer, skiing, kayaking, canoeing, swimming, shooting hoops – and that was just on the walk from my cottage to the office! I’d say summer 2013 has come roaring in!
According to Lois, your boys ate 784 chicken tenders and over ten pounds of rice for lunch today, and they’ll have soup and sandwiches for supper.
I can hear the boys lining up for the store right now, and I just heard the swim bugle blow. I wish you could see and hear this. Happy boys, running and playing. It’s a sight to see.
Over the next few days they’ll be getting to know their cabin mates and their counselors. They’ll be stepping out of their comfort zones in one way or another. Even the older professional campers might be bunking with someone they aren’t crazy about, and guess what? They’ll learn to persevere and figure out how to manage. Some boys might realize that when you are really hungry, there is NOTHING better than meatloaf, and it’s so weird, because they thought they hated meatloaf. It’s the magic of camp, really.
Remember, we are already posting photos to the gallery. We sent you the password in the email earlier this week, or email me and I can give it to you. We do our best to get everyone up there! Keep checking the blog for updates, and if you haven’t liked us on Facebook, you’re missing out. (Check out the picture of the moon from last night!) I’ll email the cabin lists to you guys in the next couple days, in case you want to check out where your son ended up. And if you are on the Twitters, we are there too, posting random “overheard at camp” quotes and other nonsense. We’ll try and keep you in the know!
And on that note…
I ❤ CH // tracy b. -
The artful goodbye: How to say farewell to your child before camp
Tomorrow’s the big day. I know this because I got a calendar reminder today on my computer: “Boys arrive tomorrow.” Gee, thanks, I hadn’t noticed. While we here at CH HQ are getting ready to say hello to those boys, you are getting ready to say farewell. Here are some thoughts we have on saying good bye when you send your child to camp. Tomorrow.
1. Recognize that you will be as emotional, if not more, than your son. Being intuitive little creatures, they will pick up on your emotions. It’s important to be positive, even if you are feeling unsure and weepy. Crying or over-worry will undermine his confidence. Remind him that he *can do this*! Remind him you are just a letter away and that you love him and *believe* in him. Tell him you are excited for the experiences he’s going to have.
2. If you haven’t already discussed homesickness with him by now, go ahead and have that conversation. Tell him missing home is natural, and that you’d be sad if he didn’t miss you. Tell him to talk to his counselor if he’s feeling blue. Remind him that you aren’t going anywhere and you’ll be there at the end with open arms dying to hear all the, as one parent emailed me today said, “the usual amusing, heroic, enlightening, and eyebrow raising stories that the boys come home with.” (Remember we are well-versed in helping boys work through homesickness.) If you have any doubt, check out Michael Thompson’s book, Homesick and Happy. It’s GREAT. Also, I recently spoke with Michael Thompson on summer camp and these issues, and it’s available on podcast.
3. Keep it short and sweet. Make a plan ahead of time, so that there’s no surprise at 2:00 p.m. when you say, “OK buddy, we’re headed home.” If you’re taking the bus: Arrive at 9:15 – 9:30 a.m., check in with the counselor on duty at the bus, help your boy load his stuff on the bus. Make sure you’ve communicated any last minute instructions to the counselor and hang out until they move the boys on to the bus. Give him a big hug! Wave! Pat yourself on the back for keeping a stiff upper lip!
If you’re dropping him off at camp, tell him the plan. “First we’ll check in. Then we’ll make your bed. I’d like a tour of camp, and once we check in with the nurse, I’ll walk you back to your cabin and give you a hug from there.” Everyone likes to know what’s happening next (believe me, I have a two-year old, I know what I’m talking about). Knowing what comes next helps set him up for a confident start.
That’s it! Positive attitude, preparation and a plan. With those three things, that goodbye will be sweet and relatively painless.
We’ll Facebook it when the busses arrive and camp is fully underway. If your son is flying in, you’ll get a phone call from the counselor when they arrive.
See you tomorrow!
I ❤ CH // tracy b.
Communication at Camp
Dear Moms and Dads,
I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know a few things about communication at Camp. My name is Tracy Bachmann. I’m Andy’s wife and Mike and Sharon’s daughter-in-law (not to mention Judah, Stella and Remy’s mom). I am the person that you will be hearing from when you read our daily blog during camp. As a mom, I understand how important it is to feel connected! I’m in the office every day answering the phone, shepherding emails and making Camp Facebook updates. Communication is my passion! I’m also wearing the new hat of database wrangler (yippee kai yay), and I’m still learning the ins and outs of this great system. Please bear with us as we live through our first summer with CampMinder.
A few things I’d like you to know:
• Feel free to call or email me any time. Do not hesitate to ask for an update on your camper – I’m happy to make inquiries and give you a report. I am in the office all morning long, and much of the afternoon. If we are not at the phone, leave a message and we will call you back shortly.
• We make frequent blog posts all week long reporting on the weather, fun stuff going on at Camp, what the boys are eating for lunch and MORE. It’s a great way to feel connected to your camper, as well as a great way to relive the memories once he’s home from Camp.
• Sign in to the gallery on the website. We upload photos often. We try our best to get as many faces as possible on there, if you don’t see your child don’t worry.
• If you’d like to email your son, please use our two-way email system through Bunk1. Just click on the “send an email” link on the home page of camphighlands.com. I can usually answer questions you have about this system, and their customer service is great.
• Like us on Facebook! We will be making daily posts there. Tell your friends and family! It’s a great way for them to stay connected with your camper, too!
• Follow us on Twitter @CampHighlands and on Instagram too! (ok, full disclosure, I even have several Highlands Pinterest boards!
We so appreciate your son’s attendance at Camp Highlands. We try our best to keep you informed about what’s going on at Camp. If you have ideas about things you’d like us to report on, just let me know! I love hearing from parents, and am always available for a chat. If you have any concerns at all just give me a ring.
Tracy B.
P.S. I’ll be sending my 8 year old, Stella Plum, off to four weeks of camp in July. I completely understand the mix of excitement and apprehension about shipping a child off to camp. So, seriously, if you’re worried, please call me! I can run recon for you and let you know how that boy of yours is doing!
Hello Highlands Moms (and Dads too),
Just a few words to you from a Highlands mom who has been around for a while. As camp time nears, I know that your and your son’s thoughts will be turning to Camp Highlands. We are so glad that he will be with us this summer.
I have been re-reading the comments from the parent response forms that we sent out at the end of last summer. Those comments help us know that we are on the right track. Your son will learn much while he is here– learning to take responsibility – learning to put his energy to the good — and learning what it means to be a Worthwhile man.
Mike and I have been in your shoes. It was a little easier to send our sons Tim and Andy to camp. They were at Highlands and we had selected and knew all of the staff. But when we took our daughter Laura to her camp — that was another story! Her first year, as we reached the gates of her new camp she started sobbing. That did it for me. I was a wreck for the first week she was there. I’m a worrier, how about you?
I am writing to assure you that your son will be in good hands! We have an absolutely wonderful staff! We can assure you of that, because we know them. Our staff is an amazing blend of teachers and college students. Our main criterion in staffing is selecting “nice people.” Your son will have a ball!
We care about your son, and will do all that we can to help him have a great time. Andy, Tracy, Mike and I think about the boys as our own while they are at camp. Please know that we stay on top of any “homesick” situation, and help boys work through any adjustment problems. There are surprisingly few.
A friend here in Western Springs was telling me how nervous she was because her daughter is going away to camp for the first time. I told her what I want to tell you: Don’t hesitate to call if you have a concern about your child. We are in and out of the office every day, so chances are good that you will reach a Bachmann when you call. We also check the answering machine throughout the day. One of us will follow up on any question or concern, and get back to you with an up-to-the minute report. The office number is 715-542-3443.
Thank you for the confidence you show in all of us on the Highlands staff. We are looking forward to a terrific summer with your son!
Sharon Bachmann