There must be something in the air, because before I left the house to head down to the office today, I put on my running shorts and sneakers so that I could be ready at a moment’s notice to break into a dash. What’s in the air, you ask? Tomorrow is the annual Camp Highlands track meet which dates back to the early 1900s when Doc Monilaw was the camp director. The first event actually starts today with the cross-country race – a one-mile course around camp. Each entrant gets a point for his team, no matter what he places. Tomorrow the boys will compete Army versus Navy in several track events including the high jump, the long jump, 50 or 70 yard dash and shot-put. It all culminates in the giant action-packed relay. In the afternoon, they’ll have a choice in clubs and a picnic supper on the hill. Finally boys will participate in the world-famous Games on the Hill complete with the broom relay, tennis ball/parachute game (what is that called anyhow? Leave a comment if you know), egg toss and a pie eating contest (among other things).
Happily everyone is in camp for the festivities! Cabins 10, 11 and 12 just got back from their hiking trips in the Porkies. Cabin 11 saw two bears! How cool is that? Many of our seniors will leave for their big trips next week. The remaining Junior cabins will go to the Porkies for their hiking trip and the Colts’ canoe trips are next week as well.
We just posted a good smattering of photos on the gallery. Take a look!
And now for that run.
And on that note…
i ❤ CH // tracy b.