As you might expect, former campers and staff members contact us from time to time to share memories and ask if certain staff is still around. Below is some correspondence we received today. It just astounds me to know that after all these years, when summer time rolls around, Highlands alumni get a little camp-sick (official terminology). Below is an email we got this morning with Mike’s response and a photo to boot. [Can you believe they used to wear water belts to teach skiing!? Yikes! Parent’s, you’ll be happy to know those days are long past. Boys wear proper PFDs!] Remember, we are celebrating our 110th camping season this summer. We are having big alumni reunion the weekend of July 27, the day of the Steeplechase and the camp birthday. Remember, if you need a camp fix, the Highlands Lodge is a great place to stay and relive your memories, and even better is Friends and Family Camp!
From Scott Nelson, former camper
Hello Highlands! I wanted to pass on my very best wishes for a great summer to all my old friends at Camp. It’s July 5th and memories of track meets (Army Victories!) water carnivals, steeple chases are running thru my head. Who’s General? Has anyone come to lunch with a tie on? And walked off Tower 3!!
I will remember my wonderful memories of Camp (teaching Tim Bachmann how to ski behind the Red Highlander with a 40hp Johnson off Cub Midget Pier) Sawbill Trips, and Siedel trail pack dinners for days, and all the great guys and friends especially Artie Kuesel, Jim “Otter” Ott Mike and Sharon on and on.
All my best
Scotty Nelson
Former Camper/Counselor/Cabin 9 14 & 5
Ski instructor
Tampa, Fl
Response from Mike Bachmann, director
Hi Scott!
For all the information you asked about and much more go to the web site. The gallery has lots of pictures – even some of Jim Ott!! He is Cub Head Counselor. In fact, Otter asks about YOU often. You had better give us a good update.
We are having a gathering time on the Camp Birthday this year. Butch will be up, and Jaimie Casas intends to come. It will be July 27. Steeplechase, Games on the Hill – you know the routine. Some things are not supposed to change. Of course we are way past 40 hp ski boats.
Dave Baker and Kent Taylor are running the trip room. Artie Kuesel has two sons on the staff. He stopped by yesterday. Ross Freeland is Senior Head Counselor – that is Jani’s son. She, Sharon, and Jill are all here this summer. Alec Winter is David’s son. He is an assistant counselor.
Facebook is also pretty busy with regular updates. Here is a photo of a ski instructor you may recognize.
Thanks for touching base. Now come visit!!