
Happy Holidays from your Highlands Family

November 17, 2011

  • What better gift could you get than a summer at Camp? That’s why we are offering a special CH gift package. T-shirt (special edition with long sleeves!), drawstring back pack and a ticket to camp. It’s an awesome way for grandparents, aunts and uncles and friends to get in on the camp action!
    What will you be up to over the holidays? The Bachmann crew always gets together down in Florida. Tim, Carol and Lukas Bachmann fly in from Boulder, Laura Bachmann Cubillos and Jose, Mateo and Esperanza come in from Park City, UT, Mike and Sharon drive down from Chicago and Andy, Tracy, Judah, Stella and Remy come down from Gainesville, FL. We hang out on the beach and just enjoy being together.
    The CAHIBO will be in your hot little hands around the end of December. This year, we will be posting ALL the photos we took over the summer to the gallery. Keep your eyes peeled for that!