
Add campers, add heart

June 21, 2015

  • DSC_0674 (1)I don’t think we could have ordered better weather for a first day of camp! It is gorgeous!

    All our boys made it to camp safe and sound. The busses rolled in around 5:00 to be met by our staff and campers that had arrived by car. 56 boys rolled off the bus, and staffers and campers grabbed their gear and the soccer field was emptied in about 10 minutes flat. Fantastic!

    Campers are getting their beds made and their footlockers squared away and in the meantime, 50+ lbs. of spaghetti are cooking. They’ll look forward to an awesome dinner of salad, spaghetti, garlic bread and fruit and cookies (nine-dozen!) for dessert.

    Tonight they’ll gather as divisions to get a lay of the land and discuss the general rules at camp. Of course they’ll eat s’mores around a fire. This is camp, people!

    These first moments of camp are some of my favorite. I wish I could bottle the excitement in the air. Boys are nervousexcitedscaredhappysadmostlyexcited. Highlands is an incredible place, filled with history and a special magic, but what gives this place a beating heart are YOUR boys. Today’s boys. We’re honored to have them here.

    We’d also like to send a special shout out to all the dads out there. Happy Father’s Day from all your friends at Camp Highlands.

    Don’t forget you can follow the fun on our gallery. The password is in the handbook and is also in the emails we’ve sent you. If you have trouble getting in, just let us know.

    And on that note…

    I ❤ CH // tracy b.

    P.S. I just want to point out that boys were thrilled to hand over their screens to us today. It’s like a relief for them! I wish someone would take my phone from me!